
In this week’s Spectator Magazine – Skype Dads: A New Sorrow of Divorce in the Internet Age


In this week’s Spectator Magazine, an article on the problems facing non-resident parents and their children when the children are removed abroad. More parents discuss their experiences and the difficulties involved. The international element of parental separation is an area of increasing interest for the press. Make sure you also listen to this week’s Radio 5 Live discussion (on the same subject).

To read the Spectator article, follow the link below:

Meet the Skype Dads: a new sorrow of divorce in the internet age

Leave to Remove on Radio 5 Live


Two fathers speak about their experience of leave to remove and the emotional impact of defending against these applications. Catherine Thomas of Vardags solicitors is also interviewed, giving her insight into matters which affect these cases, and the thorny issue of Skype as a substitute for physical contact.

Continue reading Leave to Remove on Radio 5 Live

Legal aid cuts, litigants-in-person, and exceptional funding


The court has been left with the unenviable task of finding solutions to the problem of cuts in legal aid. The court must act within the law, and while administering the law, meet its legal obligation to uphold an unrepresented party’s right to a fair hearing and respect for their family life. Continue reading Legal aid cuts, litigants-in-person, and exceptional funding

Lying in court and penalties for late filing of evidence


This morning, I was reading the case HU v SU [2015] EWFC 535 published earlier this month. The case has a number of features which are depressingly common:

  • Allegations being omitted from earlier statements and the schedule of findings sought, and later fresh allegations embellished and exaggerated in oral evidence;
  • Children being involved in parental disputes and influenced by one or other of the parents impacting upon their relationship with the other parent;
  • Late filing of evidence.

Continue reading Lying in court and penalties for late filing of evidence

Court Bundles – A warning from the President


Some remain surprised at what should or should not be included within the bundle, when they should be prepared, and the format they should be provided in.

In Re L (A Child) [2015] EWFC, Sir James Munby expresses his annoyance at legal practitioners not following guidance in relation to the preparation of court bundles (PD27A refers to Practice Direction 27A – Family Proceedings: Court Bundles (Universal Practice to be applied in the High Court and Family Court)). Continue reading Court Bundles – A warning from the President