
New US Data on Child Abduction and International Non-Compliance


Of interest to those involved in cases involving international child abduction, the unlawful retention of children abroad, applications for leave to remove, and applications for temporary leave to remove, comes new data from the United States on state non-compliance in respect of the children’s return. Continue reading New US Data on Child Abduction and International Non-Compliance

Your Human Rights Act – Get Involved


I’ll no doubt be writing a fair amount in the coming months about the Human Rights Act and the Government’s plans to abolish it. It’s important. Two of the rights in the Act are fundamental to family law… the right to family life, and the right to a fair hearing. The Custody Minefield was created to give the ordinary man or woman a chance to find fairness when dealing with the courts, judiciary, social services and CAFCASS. Our support for the Human Rights Act should come as no surprise. Without it, the world is a scarier place. Continue reading Your Human Rights Act – Get Involved

Embed our Family Law App on Your Site


Our Family Law App contains 1.5million words of family law guides, support tools, case law and more. Court forms, tips, your questions answered, draft court orders… easy to use, it’s simple to find information, and delivers incredibly detailed content. Continue reading Embed our Family Law App on Your Site

The End of the Human Rights Act? Be very afraid

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Yesterday, the Law Society expressed an intention to lobby the Government to reverse plans to abolish the Human Rights Act.

Some of the more right wing press would have you believe that the Human Rights Act is an evil, foisted upon us by Brussels. It’s purpose portrayed as allowing terrorists and would be terrorists to remain in the UK housed and fed at tax payer expense. Perhaps for 0.001% of people. For you, me, and everyone else, it protects (among other things) our right to a fair hearing, access to justice, a prohibition from torture, prohibition from slavery, a right to life, a right to privacy and family life. Why on earth would the Government have a problem with this? Continue reading The End of the Human Rights Act? Be very afraid

Knowledge gaps among Legal Advisers in the Magistrates Court


Legal Advisers are responsible for giving legal advice to Magistrates in Magistrates’ Courts throughout England and Wales. They are employed by Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service. They help Magistrates to make decisions and state the legal reasons that underpin the decisions. They may also make judicial decisions to progress a case. In essence, for the Magistrate, they’re their technical legal adviser… or should be.

It appears, there are some startling knowledge gaps among the profession, as made apparent by a couple of recent experiences which I felt important to share. Continue reading Knowledge gaps among Legal Advisers in the Magistrates Court

Time Magazine – New Swedish research confirms the benefits of shared parenting


In case you missed it, an article in Time Magazine discusses research from the Centre for Health Equity Studies in Stockholm into the positive benefits of post separation shared living arrangements on child well-being. The article is linked below: Continue reading Time Magazine – New Swedish research confirms the benefits of shared parenting

In today’s Daily Mail – The fathers who only see their children on a computer screen


If you missed the Daily Mail article today on the limitations of Skype as a source of contact, you can read it via the link below:

The fathers who only see their children on a computer screen

It’s worth remembering that some mums are affected by this too. Regardless of gender, all of their children are affected. You really can’t hug Skype.

Remember the Bedroom Tax come Election Day


Election time is coming, and there’s inevitably discussion about which party is best for separated/separating parents and their children. One important matter I hope will be remembered is the bedroom tax and its impact on families. Continue reading Remember the Bedroom Tax come Election Day

Gatekeeping and Allocation: Repairing Safety Nets before the Final Hearing Falls


Today I’ve learned of another case where matters are being heard by the wrong level of judiciary, with those hearing the case making questionable case management decisions. This article is provided to remind people (or make them aware of) the Allocation and Gatekeeping Guidance that governs which level of court should hear family law cases involving complexity. That guidance is a safety net to ensure cases are heard properly. Continue reading Gatekeeping and Allocation: Repairing Safety Nets before the Final Hearing Falls