Learning Difficulties, Disadvantage and Family Law


A new study looks at the experience of solicitors representing adults with learning difficulties in care proceedings. The study relates to UK proceedings (in case there’s any confusion about the author of the article being based in Australia).

Read the article: Parents with learning disabilities: Solicitors critical of assumptions and prejudice in the system

We won’t repeat the article but recommend you read it and we’ll move on to matters relating to litigants-in-person with specific learning difficulties in private family law proceedings. Continue reading Learning Difficulties, Disadvantage and Family Law


Added to our Indirect and Suspension of Contact Case Law Library – the fourth Minnock judgment


While the judge accepts that as a circuit judge, his decision and opinions in this case do not set precedent above that of senior courts, HHJ Wildblood QC sets out his view regarding the importance of both parents being involved in a child’s life, and that this should only be interfered with in exceptional circumstances and for cogent reasons.

His message to the mother, still missing with the child, is that the court will do everything it can to ensure the child has a continued relationship with both parents. Continue reading Added to our Indirect and Suspension of Contact Case Law Library – the fourth Minnock judgment


Your Human Rights Act – Get Involved


I’ll no doubt be writing a fair amount in the coming months about the Human Rights Act and the Government’s plans to abolish it. It’s important. Two of the rights in the Act are fundamental to family law… the right to family life, and the right to a fair hearing. The Custody Minefield was created to give the ordinary man or woman a chance to find fairness when dealing with the courts, judiciary, social services and CAFCASS. Our support for the Human Rights Act should come as no surprise. Without it, the world is a scarier place. Continue reading Your Human Rights Act – Get Involved


The End of the Human Rights Act? Be very afraid

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Yesterday, the Law Society expressed an intention to lobby the Government to reverse plans to abolish the Human Rights Act.

Some of the more right wing press would have you believe that the Human Rights Act is an evil, foisted upon us by Brussels. It’s purpose portrayed as allowing terrorists and would be terrorists to remain in the UK housed and fed at tax payer expense. Perhaps for 0.001% of people. For you, me, and everyone else, it protects (among other things) our right to a fair hearing, access to justice, a prohibition from torture, prohibition from slavery, a right to life, a right to privacy and family life. Why on earth would the Government have a problem with this? Continue reading The End of the Human Rights Act? Be very afraid