Wales Events – Government led Focus Group on Men’s Equalities


fnfwalesWomen face inequality in many areas of society. So do ethnic minorities, those with disabilities and many others; but what about men? Can they be disadvantaged?

The Welsh Government is revising the Equalities strategy and has invited the charity Families Need Fathers BPM Cymru to run focus groups with men to contribute to this initiative.

If you want to get involved please book a place via the following link:

The event will be held at 6 pm on Thursday 18th June 2015 at The Community Room Merthyr Tydfil, Dynevor Street, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1BA.

Matters explored at the focus group meeting will include:

  • Shorter life expectancy
  • Worse educational outcomes
  • Lower employment prospects in traditionally female roles (e.g. childcare, family support, nursing)
  • Greater risks of being a victim of crime
  • Greater risks of homelessness
  • Increase risk of dying at work
  • Greater risk of suicide
  • Unequal parenting rights

FNF Cymru are inviting men (and anyone else who cares about the experience of men) to come to have their say about the issues that face them. For more information about FNF Cymru, follow the link:

FNF Cymru – Both Parents Matter