The primary purpose of The Custody Minefield is to make family law accessible to separating parents in England and Wales. We’ve been doing this since 2006 when our first book The Custody Minefield was published. The Magistrates Magazine recommended it to ‘any separating parent’ and the Divisional Chair of the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy described it as a ‘gem of information’.
Case law, new court guidance, new court rules and legislation changes make paperback books become obsolete very quickly, so we moved to an online format. We’ve process mapped family law, keep it updated and provide everything in one place including:
- Step-by-step guides explaining the legal process… from mediation to a final order;
- Court forms;
- Case law;
- Court orders explained;
- Guides on specialist areas of family law;
- Draft court orders…
…and much more.
Our 2006 book ran to 40,000 words and cost £9.99. Our 2015 online guide content runs to 1.5million words, is more versatile, more detailed and… free. No catch, no obligation, because we want to help parents and children navigate one of the most difficult times in their life.
If you’re using a solicitor, you’ll find we provide information to make discussions more informed. The Magistrates Magazine review back in 2008 said we’d save you a fortune in legal fees. If you’re representing yourself, what we provide really is essential.
Whether you need to write a statement, prepare for a fact-finding hearing or need explained what court orders you might apply for (and how!) you’ll find the information in our guides.
If you like what we do, please point people to our site. Help us to help others. If you have your own website, you can embed our family law app within it.