Not seeing your child this Christmas? Some presents from us, to you


For some parents and children this year there will be a gaping hole in their lives while others enjoy the festive season. They won’t be seeing their children. For some, they won’t have seen their children for a while. Some will have no court order or arrangements in place. For others, arrangements will break down at the last minute, or they’re desperately still trying to get their ex-partner to agree dates as the clock ticks down to Christmas morning. It’s torture.

It’s natural to feel depressed and stressed when you don’t see your children, but please take that energy, and put it towards re-establishing your relationship. You’re not forgotten. Please download our guide to Coping with Stress.

While sympathy, understanding and empathy may help, it’s not enough. Practical help to change these circumstances is what a parent in these circumstances wants and needs. Stress and depression comes from feeling helpless. You’re not.

Our guides on our family law app will help. Our family law app contains 1.5million words of content, guides, case law, forms and more… all written for parents in your circumstances… and free throughout the year.

We also have downloadable “guide packs” in our shop, but it’s Christmas and in these circumstances sometimes knowing someone will help, for no reason other than to help, makes a difference. So until 6th January 2016, all of the following downloadable guides and resources are free.

For those with a contact order/child arrangements order which is not being complied with

Contact Enforcement – a guide on applying to the family court to have a contact or child arrangements order enforced.

Contact Enforcement Checklist – a checklist to help guide you through your application.

Preparing a Position Statement – A guide on how to write a position statement.

Template for a Position Statement – A Microsoft Word based template for your position statement.

C79 Form – The court application form for parents wishing to apply for enforcement of a contact or child arrangements order.

Tips When Attending Court – A guide sheet to help you prepare.

C78 Form – Application form to have a warning notice attached to older contact orders where a warning notice wasn’t included on the order.

For those without any arrangements in place

Mediation – a guide to mediation (you should attempt mediation before applying for a child arrangements order).

Child Arrangements Orders – A guide to applying to the court for a child arrangements order.

Child Arrangements Order Checklist – a checklist to help guide you through your application.

Preparing a Position Statement – A guide on how to write a position statement.

Template for a Position Statement – A Microsoft Word based template for your position statement.

C100 Form – The court application form for parents wishing to apply for a child arrangements order.

For Parents who don’t know where their children are

Seek and Find Orders – A guide to applying to the court for assistance in locating your children.

C4 Form – The court application form for this application to the court.

We won’t be so thoughtless as to wish you a happy Christmas this year, but we sincerely hope you have a happier one in 2016.