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Draft Court Orders

On occasion McKenzie Friends as well as solicitors are asked to prepare court orders for approval by the Court.

In January 2016, The President of the Family Court announced new litigant-in-person friendly wording for draft court orders used in private family law proceedings. A list of wording (covering various stages of proceedings and depending on matters at issue) has been published in tick box form, for members of the judiciary and court staff who are not using the standard judicial templates. This draft wording will also be of interest to litigants-in-person and McKenzie Friends asked by the court (or wishing to propose) draft court orders. To view the preferred wording, download the pdf document provided below:

Orders/wording relating to other forms of proceeding can be accessed via the menus below:

Draft Court Order Wording

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Michael Robinson © 2014

Family law information for parents whose children are resident in England and Wales

Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's printer for Scotland.

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